Rolling Grandma’s Hair
This collection was birthed from a session of hair rolling with my maternal grandma a few years ago. I’d already begun a project tracing my family’s genetic blood disorder. Following the journey of that project, I had the desire to learn more about my family tree. The need to piece together their stories became more of a need as I discovered more about myself. I started to use the hair rolling sessions with my grandma as an opportunity to capture those stories; this time with intention. Hair rolling filled my childhood memories more than anything else as it pertains to my grandmothers. I had 4 grandmas growing up (2 grandmas and 2 great grandmas). They all had different textures of hair and different beauty routines. But all of their stories are woven together in me through the many patterns of hair.
There’s a memorable movement and rhythm to hair rolling. It feels tribal with an evolving of a child sitting between their elder’s legs to get her hair comb to the child standing behind a chair to roll the elder’s hair. A change of roles between generations is beautiful and cycles stories that is necessary for our growth. Every generation gets familiar with the routines, rituals and patterns of the family. I’m using hair as a metaphor to share those stories.
My siblings, cousins, mom, and aunt have all had the opportunity to roll my maternal grandmother’s hair. Each of us have our own technique and share our individual connections to her. This is such a relaxing self care ritual that allows a level of vulnerability and transparency to us. I’m grateful for each hair rolling session I’ve had with all my grandmas throughout my life.